WELCOME TO SCIENCE SOFTWARE This is a description of several interactive BASIC computer programs which can be used for science education and "scientific" hobbies. The current selection of Science Software includes tutorial, utility and application programs for the Commodore 64 , Commodore 128 (in C64 mode), IBM-PC ( and true compatibles ) and Amiga personal computers in the areas of astronomy, earth satellites and aeronautics. The price of each Science Software disk includes a comprehensive user's manual and floppy disk. These programs are written in CBM Basic 2.0 for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128, AmigaBASIC for the Amiga and the Microsoft QuickBASIC compiler for the IBM-PC and compatibles. Compiled versions of the larger Science Software programs are also provided for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 and several programs are available with hi-resolution graphics. Please note that all programs are self-contained and do not require other software packages such as compilers or graphics utilities. Science Software disks are not copy-protected. ASTRONOMY These computer programs were created to help explain fundamental concepts of astronomy and to help amateur astronomers and casual observers locate the sun, moon, planets, comets and other celestial objects in the skies. "KEPLER" is a tutorial program which solves Kepler's equation for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic orbits ( public domain ). "SIDEREAL" is a tutorial program which introduces the user to the relationships between Julian and calendar dates and solar and sidereal times ( public domain ). "J2000" is a utility program which converts stellar positions, proper motion, parallax and radial velocity from the standard epoch B1950 (FK4) to epoch J2000 (FK5). This method is described on page X of the 1985 edition of the Astronomical Almanac ( public domain ). "GALILEAN" is a tutorial program which determines the position of the Galilean satellites relative to Jupiter. This program explains how to construct position diagrams like those found in the Astronomical Almanac and astronomy magazines ( public domain ). The next set of astronomy programs require the following inputs from the user; (1) latitude and west longitude at the observer's location, (2) calendar date and local time during the observation and (3) time zone and Daylight Savings Time. Each astronomy program provides the following information for observation sites anywhere in the world; (1) Julian Date and local sidereal time (2) right ascension and declination (3) azimuth and elevation ( altitude ) (4) heliocentric and geocentric distance of objects within the solar system. "SOLAR" is a program which determines the position of the sun. The elevation and declination angles computed by this program are corrected for the effect of atmospheric refraction. "LUNAR" is a program which determines the position, semidiameter and phase of the moon. This program compensates for the the effect of flattening or "oblateness" of the earth at the observer's location. "PLANET" is a program which determines the position, semidiameter and phase of any planet of our solar system. This program will also determine the heliocentric and geocentric distance of a planet. "COMET" is a program which determines the position of comets. This program includes orbital data for the Halley's Comet return in 1986 and data for the Tempel 2 return in 1988. In addition to the items mentioned above, this program also determines the angle between the sun and comet as seen by an earth observer. The user may also input orbit data for any periodic comet and the program will determine its location. "STAR" is a program which determines the location of stars and other stellar objects. This program will predict the apparent right ascension, declination, azimuth and elevation (altitude) based on either a 1950 (FK4) or 2000 (FK5) reference. The observer's local time of rising, setting and meridian crossing of a stellar object can also be computed by "STAR". The stellar position is corrected for the effects of precession, nutation, annual aberation and atmospheric refraction. The user may also compute the right ascension and declination of an object from the azimuth and elevation of an observation. This observed position is corrected for the effect of atmospheric refraction. "ECLIPSE" is a program which determines the characteristics of lunar eclipses. The user specifies a month and year and the software determines if an eclipse will occur. This program provides the user with the type of eclipse, the observer's local time of maximum eclipse and the eclipse magnitude. This program also provides the observer's local time at the beginning and end of each eclipse phase. The price of the Science Software astronomy disk is $34.95 domestic and $39.95 foreign ( postpaid ). This disk includes the astronomy graphic programs described in the "SCIENCE SOFTWARE GRAPHICS" section of this catalog. EARTH SATELLITES This series of BASIC programs will allow the amateur user to determine the location of TVRO, weather, OSCAR and other earth orbiting satellites. This information can be used for radio tracking and communications as well as visual observations of earth satellites. All satellite programs are valid for earth satellites in circular and elliptical orbits. All satellite programs also account for the effect of earth "oblateness" or flattening on the motion and location of a satellite as well as "non-sea level" observer locations. Information is also provided which explains how to obtain free satellite prediction bulletins from NASA. "TNODE" is a program which determines information about equatorial crossings of earth satellites. These crossings are reference points which are used by other satellite programs. This program requires the orbital period, eccentricity, inclination and argument of perigee of a satellite's orbit. The GMT and west longitude of a reference event are also required. The reference event can be either an equatorial crossing or apogee. The user can specify the number of subsequent crossings which are to be computed. The program will then calculate and print the date, GMT and west longitude of these crossings ( public domain ). "SYNCSAT" is a program which can be used to determine the location of geosynchronous ( TVRO or DBS ) satellites relative to an observer anywhere in the world. The user provides his or her latitude, west longitude, altitude and the satellite's west longitude to the program. The software then computes and prints the azimuth and elevation antenna angles from the observer's site to the satellite ( public domain ). "VSAT" is a program which can be used for radio tracking or visual observations of earth satellites. This program requires the orbital inclination, period, eccentricity, argument of perigee and information about a reference equatorial crossing on the day of interest. It also requires the user's latitude, west longitude, altitude, time zone and Daylight Savings Time. Program "VSAT" then determines if and when the satellite is visible and prints the local civil time, azimuth, elevation and slant range of the satellite relative to the user. The latitude and west longitude of the satellite ground track and the topocentric or "observer-centered" right ascension and declination are also computed. In addition, "VSAT" determines if and when the satellite enters and leaves the earth's shadow. The best time for observing a satellite is when the observer is in darkness and the satellite is visible but has not entered the earth's shadow. "TSAT" is a program which provides the same information as "VSAT" but is more accurate. This program numerically integrates the satellite equations of motion at one minute intervals. "ASTROS" is a real-time orbit simulation for use with the Amateur Space Telescope. A complete description is given elsewhere in this catalog. The price of the Science Software satellites disk is $24.95 domestic and $29.95 foreign ( postpaid ). Additional information is given in the section titled "SCIENCE SOFTWARE SATELLITES DISK" elsewhere in this catalog. AERONAUTICS The current Science Software aeronautics disk contains programs in the areas of model rocketry and hot air ballooning. To encourage use of the metric system, all aeronautics programs require metric inputs and provide results in units of the metric system. Several programs are available to help the model rocketeer predict the altitude performance of single stage model rockets and the glide performance of boost and rocket gliders. All rocketry programs require the user to input the launch site altitude and temperature. This information is used to compensate for "non-standard" flying conditions such as hot or cold days and launch sites which are not at sea level. In addition, each altitude prediction program requires the model rocket engine performance and the model rocket mass, diameter and drag coefficient. Both altitude programs provide the following information to the user; (1) burnout altitude and velocity, (2) coast time and total flight time and (3) maximum altitude. Both prediction programs will also work with clustered single stage rockets. The glide performance program requires the following inputs; (1) initial flight altitude, (2) wingspan and wing area and (3) zero-lift drag coefficient and wing efficiency factor. The following information is provided to the user for both the maximum range and maximum duration flight conditions; (1) glide speed and glide angle, (2) horizontal range and rate-of-descent and (3) lift-to-drag ratio. "ATMOS" is a utility program which determines properties of the standard atmosphere. The user can specify an initial and final altitude and altitude increment and this program determines the density, pressure and temperature at each altitude ( public domain ). "ROCKET1" is a program which determines the flight performance of a single stage model rocket using an analytical or "exact" solution. This program solves the problem of model rocket vertical motion by assuming "average" flight conditions. "ROCKET2" is a program which determines the flight performance of a single stage model rocket by numerically integrating the equations of motion. The user can specify a launch angle and the program solves the problem of non-vertical motion. The user can also display and print the results at each integration step. The information displayed includes the flight time, vertical altitude, horizontal range, velocity, mass, thrust and aerodynamic drag. This program models the variation of density with altitude and the changes in thrust and mass with time. Aerodynamic drag is updated as a function of altitude and velocity. "GLIDER" is a program which determines the maximum range and maximum endurance flight conditions of boost and rocket gliders. These are the conditions when the glider will fly the farthest or stay in the air the longest time. This program is also applicable to sailplanes, hang gliders and radio control gliders ( public domain ). "BALLOON" is a program which can be used to determine the performance capability of hot air balloons. The payload weight lifting capability, gas temperature, balloon volume and the maximum altitude capability can be determined accurately with this program. "BALLOON" requires a combination of the following user inputs; (1) launch site altitude and temperature, (2) liftoff weight, (3) balloon volume, (4) gas temperature and (5) flight altitude. From any combination of three items (2, 3, 4 or 5), program "BALLOON" provides the user with the fourth item. This program also computes the air temperature at the balloon's altitude. The launch site altitude and temperature are required in order to compensate for "non-sea level" conditions such as hot or cold days and flying sites which are not at sea level. The price of the Science Software aeronautics disk is $19.95 domestic and $24.95 foreign ( postpaid ). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Commodore 64" and "Commodore 128" are registered trademarks of Commodore Business Machines, Ltd. "Amiga" is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. "IBM-PC" is a registered trademark of IBM, Corp. "QuickBASIC" is copyright by Microsoft, Inc. 1982-1987. "BLITZ!" is a registered trademark of Skyles Electric Works, 231E South Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA 94041. "VIDEO BASIC-64" and "BASIC-64" are copyright by Abacus Software Inc., P.O. Box 7211, Grand Rapids, MI 49510. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To order Science Software, send a check or money order (U.S.dollars) payable to "Science Software" to the following address; Science Software David Eagle 7370 S. Jay St. Littleton, CO 80123 (303) 972-4020 SCIENCE SOFTWARE GRAPHICS Several Science Software programs are also available with hi-resolution graphics for the Commodore 64/128, IBM-PC and Amiga computers. The Commodore graphics programs were developed with VIDEO BASIC from Abacus Software. The Commodore 64/128 graphics are displayed in the 320 by 200 pixel mode with several colors, the Amiga versions are 640 by 200 with eight colors and the IBM-PC versions are black and white in the 640 by 200 CGA mode. The data display page and graphic screens generated by Commodore 64/128 programs can be saved to tape, disk or a printer. The tape or disk file can be recalled later for viewing with a simple command. The user can also specify a small or large size hardcopy printer output and switch between the graphic and text screens at any time by using the Commodore "F5" and "F7" function keys. The data display page and graphic screens generated by IBM-PC programs can be saved to a printer by using the [Shift] [PrtSc] key combination. The AmigaBASIC programs have the capability to save the data display pages to a printer. The graphic screens can also be saved to a printer or disk by using one of the public domain or commerical programs available for the Amiga. The Grabbit utility from Discovery Software is an excellent program for saving Amiga graphics. Commodore 64/128 graphic programs will support the following printers; Epson, Gemini, Okidata, Commodore 1525/1525e/MPS 801/Mps 803/1526/MPS802, Prowriter, Siemens PT 88 and Okimate 10 color and black and white. These programs are also compatible with the following printer interfaces; CARDCO models ?/A and ?/+G, ECX model C-6401, Microworld models MW-302/350 and MSD model CPI. Graphic programs are currently available for "COMET", "LUNAR", "PLANET", "SOLAR", "VSAT", "TSAT", "ECLIPSE" and "GALILEAN". The first six programs include both right ascension / declination and azimuth/elevation graphics. Programs "COMET", "PLANET" and "SOLAR" will display positions for a maximum period of 120 days and "LUNAR" will display the moon's position for 30 days. "PLANET" will also display a planet's phase and "LUNAR" will display the moon's phase on the graphic screen. Programs "VSAT" and "TSAT" can display the latitude and longitude of a satellite's ground-track and the current shadow conditions (umbra or penumbra). "ECLIPSE" displays the position of the moon relative to the penumbra and umbra shadows at the beginning and end of each eclipse phase. For all astronomy programs except "ECLIPSE", the user has the option of printing the graphic screen on a day by day basis. One can also elect to compute and print only the data screen. Programs "VSAT"and "TSAT" permit printing both data and graphics after each update during a satellite pass. Program "ECLIPSE" will allow the user to print the graphics screen after each eclipse phase is displayed. SCIENCE SOFTWARE DEMO DISK The Science Software demo disk contains several programs designed to introduce you to the unique features and capabilities of science software. All science software computer programs were written for science education and enjoyment. The demo disk contains several public domain programs which you are free to modify or share with your friends. You may also publish any public domain program in a club newsletter provided that its source is acknowledged. Please do not use these programs for any commercial purpose. Several public domain programs are also copyrighted. A hi-resolution graphic version of program "GALILEAN" is included on the demo disk. This program is named "C/GALILEAN.VB" on the Commodore 64/128 disk and is compiled with BLITZ!. The Commodore 64/128 demo disk also contains a program called "SSDEMO" which will allow you to load and print data and graphic files. These files are examples from several science software graphic programs. All data filenames end with ".DATA" and graphic filenames end with ".GRAPHICS". Simply load "SSDEMO",8 and type "RUN" and it will display an introduction and then prompt you with a menu. Please be sure to load a data or graphic file before printing it to your printer. The screen display and printer output of "ECLIPSE.GRAPHICS" may appear distorted due to differences in monitors, TVs and printers. Program "ECLIPSE" allows the user to adjust graphic scale factors for his or her hardware. Programs "TNODE", "SYNCSAT", "KEPLER", "SIDEREAL", "J2000", "C/GALILEAN.VB" and "GLIDER" contain documentation within each program. A typical NASA satellite prediction bulletin is included with this package along with information about how to obtain free bulletins from NASA. Please consult the Science Software catalog for a description of the other programs on your demo disk. All programs on the Commodore 64/128 disk load with the command; LOAD "Programname",8. The IBM-PC and compatible versions are started by simply typing the program name and the Amiga versions are selected with the mouse after clicking on the demo disk icon. Be sure to boot Workbench in 80 columns and copy AmigaBASIC to your demo disk before running any of the programs. The AmigaBASIC demo disk also contains several example ".data" and ".graphics" files which can be used with any public domain or commerical utility program ( CLImate, SeeILBM, etc. ) which allows you to view IFF graphics files. The cost of the Science Software demo disk is $5 domestic and $8 foreign ( postpaid ). The Commodore 64 demo disk will also run on the Commodore 128 in C64 mode. SCIENCE SOFTWARE SATELLITES DISK The science software satellites disk contains several programs designed to help the amateur user with his or her earth satellite activities. These activities include TVRO ( TV Receive Only ) or DBS ( Direct Broadcast Satellite ) reception, radio communications with U.S. and Soviet amateur ite tracking program are included on the Commodore 64/128 satellites disk. These programs consist of a "normal" CBM BASIC 2.0 version and a compiled version. The Commodore 64/128 versions are compiled with BLITZ! The filenames of the compiled Commodore programs begin with "C/". The Commodore disk also contains a version of program "ASTROS" compiled with BASIC-64 from Abacus Software. Although this program was written for the Amateur Space Telescope, it can also be used to track two satellites in real time. Hi-resolution graphic versions of "VSAT" and "TSAT" are included on this disk. These files are named "C/VSAT.VB" and "C/TSAT.VB" on the Commodore 64/128 disk. A graphics version of program "GALILEAN" is also included on the Commodore satellite disk with the filename "C/GALILEAN.VB". All Commodore 64/128 programs load with the command; LOAD "Programname",8. The IBM-PC programs are started by simply typing the name of the program. The AmigaBASIC programs are started by opening the "Astronomy" disk from Workbench and then selecting the icon of the program you wish to run. Programs "TNODE", "SYNCSAT", "KEPLER", "SIDEREAL", "J2000" and "GALILEAN" contain documentation within each BASIC program. Written instructions for "VSAT" are also included with your satellites disk package. The user's manual for "VSAT" also applies to "TSAT" and portions of program "ASTROS". A typical NASA satellite predASIC programs are started by opening the "Astronomy" disk from Workbench and then selecting the icon of the program you wish to run. Programs "TNODE", "SYNCSAT", "KEPLER", "SIDEREAL", "J2000" and "GALILEAN" contain documentation within each BASIC program. Written instructions for "VSAT" are also included with your satellites disk package. The user's manual for "VSAT" also applies to "TSAT" and portions of program "ASTROS". A typical NASA satellite prediction bulletin is included with this package along with information about how to obtain free satellite prediction bulletins from NASA. These bulletins are mailed free of charge on a periodic basis as the orbital elements of each satellite change. The cost of the Science Software satellites disk for the Commodore 64, Commodore 128, IBM-PC and Amiga computers is $24.95 domestic and $29.95 foreign ( postpaid ). The Commodore version will run on the Commodore 128 in C64 mode. ASTROS Amateur Space Telescope Real-Time Orbit Simulation Copyright (C) 1985 by David Eagle 7370 S. Jay St. Littleton, CO 80123 "ASTROS" is an interactive BASIC program which can be used for ground-based tracking, control and operation of the Amateur Space Telescope ( AST ) of the Independent Space Research Group ( ISRG ). This software simulation can be used for both real-time situations and for mission planning and scheduling. "ASTROS" contains the following unique features and capabilities; (1) the user can interactively change the inertial pointing direction (right ascension and declination) of the AST telescope. This capability will allow ground controllers to schedule and users to simulate the attitude maneuvers necessary for viewing any celestial object. (2) the user can specify the orbital elements of a relay satellite and ASTROS will indicate if and when this satellite is in line-of-sight of the AST. The program will also display the pointing angles from the ground station to both the relay satellite and AST. This information will allow any user to communicate directly with the AST or through the relay satellite. A positive elevation angle to either the AST or relay indicates that it is visible to the user. (3) the user can specify limb angle constraints for the sun, earth and moon. The program will indicate when the AST is pointing at the sun, earth or moon within these angles. This information is necessary in order to protect the AST optics and for mission planning purposes such as accessing opportunities for viewing occultations. (4) program "ASTROS" will also indicate when the AST is within the umbra or penumbra portion of the earth's shadow. This information is important for solar panel charging and celestial viewing conditions. Many types of observations are best performed when the AST is in the earth's shadow. (5) the local time and calendar date are maintained and displayed by the software. The time and date can be either current or future conditions as specified by the user when "ASTROS" is initialized. (6) the user can also print the screen contents to any compatible printer after a prompt or display page appears on the screen.